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Category: Man-made environments

The Destruction of Wizard’s Roost

The Destruction of Wizard’s Roost

Some properties on the National Register of Historic Places are listed as “address restricted.” Many of these properties are archeological finds and their restricted status is meant to protect them from vandals who might scavenge valuable artifacts. Unfortunately, in the case of Wizard’s Roost, a prehistoric solstice observatory located in Lincoln County, such secrecy did not protect the site. Sometime in the late 1980s, a person or persons unknown scattered the stones that signaled stellar alignments used thousands of years…

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Ruidoso Tower Serves Small but Crucial Area

Ruidoso Tower Serves Small but Crucial Area

In 1988, a thematic group nomination of lookout towers built from 1905 to 1942 on National Forest land in New Mexico and Arizona was submitted by Peter L. Steer for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. Among the lookouts studied were Mon Jeau and the Ruidoso Tower. The latter tower, located in town yet easily overlooked, is unique on several fronts both for its architecture and use. (As a matter of disclosure, the writer worked the Ruidoso Tower…

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Building an Icon of Industrial Pragmatism and Artistic Flourishes in Carrizozo

Building an Icon of Industrial Pragmatism and Artistic Flourishes in Carrizozo

Bruce Dietrich wrote the application for registration of Rolland’s Drug Store in Carrizozo to the New Mexico State Register of Cultural Properties in 2003. The property, built in 1924, was accepted as an example of a utilitarian commercial structure of the time. Its appearance and materials that make up its façade were meant to ooze stability, respectability and no-nonsense in economic insecure times, as it had in countless communities across the nation in the first decades of the 20th century….

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