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Tag: Ski Apache Adaptive Sports

The Reach of One Person Can Impact So Many

The Reach of One Person Can Impact So Many

“I need to help that little girl up,” said Sean Marusich, after she careened into him on the beginner slope at Ski Apache. As his Ski Apache Adaptive Sports (SAAS) coach gently reminded him that it was her fault, that she was skiing out of control and that she needed a lesson, Sean answered: “But everyone falls sometime, don’t they?” It is difficult logic to argue with, made all the more significant since, nearly 12 years ago, doctors removed the…

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Turning Personal Tragedy into Global Accomplishment

Turning Personal Tragedy into Global Accomplishment

When she was 17 years old, while walking on the campus of Cal Poly Pomona, a drunk driver hit Mona Patel. Her lower right leg was crushed. She was airlifted to UCLA Medical Center where the orthopedic team told her distraught parents that amputation would be the easiest course of action. It was possible that she could be walking in three to four months. The plastics crew told her parents that they could try and salvage what remained of her…

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